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Gulyaeva Natalya Andreevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof. at the Department of Foreign Languages, Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School,, Novosibirsk
Protsenko Olga Nikolaevna
Без ученой степени, Teacher of Foreign Languages Department, Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School,, Novosibirsk


In connection with the development of the modern information society and the change of the scientific paradigm to future specialists, new demands are made. Responding to the demands of society, the methodology of teaching foreign languages (FL) requires more and more effective ways of teaching and making adjustments to the content of training, which will enable future specialists to realize themselves in society. In connection with the lack of a unified approach to the content of teaching FL in a military high school, there is an insufficient level of graduates’ readiness for intercultural dialogue and solving professional problems. This contradiction determined the relevance of the article. The aim of the article: 1) to generalize the practical experience introduction of elements of professional military culture-oriented linguistics (EPMCL) in the teaching process of a FL in a military higher educational institution; 2) on the basis of this experience, to justify the allocation in the teaching methodology of the new term «professional military culture-oriented linguistics» (PMCL) conditions of culture-oriented linguistics and synergetic approaches. Materials and methods. The methodological and theoretical basis of the research is the analysis and the generalization of research works of native and foreign scientists on culture-oriented linguistics, linguistics and intercultural communication. Results. The term «professional military culture-oriented linguistics» has been singled out in the research process, the rationale for its consolidation in the methodology of teaching FL in accordance with the profile of the university is given; in the conditions of the culture-oriented linguistics and synergetic approaches, materials on PMCL were developed; at the interdisciplinary level, the EPMCL elements of professional military language studies were introduced into the practice of teaching FL. Together with theoretical developments, these materials represent the model of professional military culture-oriented linguistics. Discussion and conclusion. The scientific novelty, the theoretical significance of the article is to distinguish the term «professional military culture-oriented linguistics»; research and preparation of materials on PMCL in the conditions of culture-oriented linguistics and synergetic approaches. The practical significance of the article is to develop a model of PMCL in a military command high school, capable of self-organization (expansion, curtailment, correction); preparation of a series of materials on PMCL, and the systematic implementation of its elements at the interdisciplinary level for the organization of the process of teaching a FL in a military command high school. The article can be useful for university teachers of FL, as well as for specialists working on solving identical problems in other educational areas.
foreign language, culture-oriented linguistics, professional military culture-oriented linguistics, elements of a professional military culture-oriented linguistics, oral military commands

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