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Remorenko Igor Mikhaylovitch
Кандидат педагогических наук, Assoc. Prof. Rector of the Moscow City University, Moscow City University,, Moscow


An appeal to the history of the formation of the social pedagogical movement in Russia allows us to see the origins and patterns of development of this phenomenon, which are important for modern education. Purpose of article. Analysis of the historical context of the emergence and development of social pedagogical movements in Russia in the period of the late XIX–XX centuries. Methodology and research methods: the study is based on theoretical-methodological principles of the anthropological realism of K. D. Ushinsky, B. M. Bim-Bad etc., the method of updating the positive historical experience Z. I. Ravkin etc., constructs the leading philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, pedagogical, sociological theories and applied research of state-public management education: in the field of philosophy and the methodology of scientific research – dialectical approach (Hegel, S. L. Rubinstein); in the field of pedagogical historiography – the works of M. V. Boguslavsky, p. I. Ganelina, V. I. Gusarov and others, in the field of management of pedagogical systems – works of V. I. Zagvyazinsky, V. A. Karakovsky, etc., in the field of management of innovations in education – approaches of A. A. I. Adamsky, A. E. Volkov, Yu. V Gromyko, etc. The results of the study and their discussion. The major milestones in the establishment of the teaching community and its role in the process of education administration are shown. The article also presents the basics of socio-pedagogical movement functioning. The author analyzes some main activities of the State Academic Board in education system and its main branches. The first State education administration structures and their interactions with socio-pedagogical movements are considered here. An analysis of relations between the State and society on problems of education is presented and the experience of interaction between the socio-pedagogical movements that arose during this period in Russia. The basic prerequisites for the movement of innovative-teachers of the late XX century are pointed. Conclusion. The analysis of the experience of pedagogical developments allows us to consider the current state of public education management in the historical context, guided by the principles of development and continuity. Modernization and innovative changes taking place in society and in education, pose new urgent problems of development of the pedagogical theory, search and introduction of different forms of public administration in pedagogical practice.
the State-public education administration; education system; socio-pedagogical movements; community

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