Evdokimova Marina Alexandrovna
Без ученой степени, Psychologist, Head of the Center for Parenthood and Childhood «Family Studio», Center for Parenthood and Childhood «Family Studio», m.yevdokimova@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk


Problem and goals. The article describes the program of psychological and pedagogical support for the formation of parental competence. The purpose of the article is to analyze the methods currently proposed for increasing the level of parental competence, describe the notion of “parental competence”, highlight the main tasks of psychological and pedagogical support in the formation of parental competence, and describe this in the proposed program. The article substantiates the necessity of systemic comprehensive support for the formation of parental competence. Target goals and objectives of the program implementation, structure, stages of the activities, organizational chart are formulated. The sequence of stages of implementation of program blocks is presented. Their main content is described. In conclusion, the effectiveness of the conducted research and the complexity of the approach to providing psychological and pedagogical support in the formation of parental competence are justified. The material is of interest for teachers and psychologists working in educational organizations, parents of children of adolescence.
psychological-pedagogical support, training for parents, organizational chart, parental competence

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