Gorbushina Anastasiya Vladimirovna
senior lecturer of department of psychology, Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Vyatka State University», gorbushina_anast@mail.ru, Kirov


The article is devoted to the solution of the problem of absence and simplification of the description of work motivation or motivation of professional activity and its development. The study of the work motivation of teachers is relevant for the psychological science with a view to comprehending, generalizing the available empirical data and revealing the patterns of its change as a complexly organized system. The purpose of the article: a description of the development of the work motivation of teachers in the context of professional pedagogical activity. Work motivation or motivation of professional activity in the article is described from the positions of methodology of systemogenesis. Based on the results of the empirical study, the stages of the development of the motivation system for the professional activity of teachers with different work experience are distinguished: entry into activity – the formation of a specific system of motivation for professional pedagogical activity – quantitative growth – maturity – crisis – reorganization of the system – maturity with a pronounced integrative component – interiorizatsiya into personality. Formation and development of teachers’ motivation system is analyzed depending on the nature of the professional activities performed, the ratio of pedagogical and metaprofessional activities, as well as the tasks of personal and professional development of the subject of labor. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about the legitimacy of the analysis of the process of development of the motivation of professional activity of teachers in the context of professional pedagogical activity and consideration of its formation and development from the viewpoint of systemogenesis, which makes it possible to design a scientifically grounded program of psychological support for the complex and responsible work of teachers in schools and the realization of national development tasks .
work motivation or motivation of professional activity, system, development, stages, pedagogical professional activity.

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