Golovina Tatiana Anatolievna
Кандидат филологических наук, Assoc. Professor of the Department of Russian as a foreign language, Polzunov Altai State Technical University, gol-an-ta@mail.ru, Barnaul
Baryshnikova Natalia Gennadievna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Head of the Department of Russian as a foreign language, Polzunov Altai State Technical University, nat-bar@yandex.ru, Barnaul
Stenina Victoria Fedorovna
Кандидат филологических наук, Assoc. Professor of the Department of Russian as a foreign language, Polzunov Altai State Technical University, steninavf@rambler.ru, Barnaul

Russian as a Foreign Language Education Model with Account of Students Concept Sphere Peculiarities

The article is devoted to the description of the Russian as a foreign language teaching model on the basis of gradual acquaintance with the nominative field of the concept presented in the educational texts, as well as identifying concept main characteristics that should be taken into account when determining the content of Linguistic and Cultural commentary. The approach proposed in the article is based on the results of studies (conducted by ASTU Russian as a foreign language department staff) of the concept-sphere of the peoples of Greater Altai border territories (the Kazakhs, Russian, Chinese, Uigurs) and scientists works about concepts structure. According to the authors, the linguistic-culturological approach will allow to identify the semantic content of the informational, imaginative and interpretative components of the concept presented to the foreign speaker and determine its paradigmatic, syntagmatic, associative connections in the native and foreign language pictures of the world. The proposed model will allow students to be involved in the different cultures and languages dialogue and thus will provide a conscious and more rapid “entry” into the culture of the language being studied.
concept, linguistic-culturological concept, dialogue of cultures, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, Russian as a foreign language proficiency levels, educational text

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