Poselyagina Larisa Vyacheslavovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Docent of the Department of Pedagogy, Omsk humanitarian academy, Livnevy@mail.ru, Omsk


Problem and goal. The article substantiates the conditions of aesthetic education based on the integration of historical, pedagogical and social-oriented approaches. The purpose of the article is to identify and justify the main trends in the development of aesthetic education in the modern Russian school. Methodology. The study was conducted on the basis of taking into account the positive trends of aesthetic education in integration with the social significance of the training of the younger generation. It was determined that the education of the student is a means of personal development; aesthetic ideal is a fully developed person, an active public figure; gymnasium education is humanistic orientation, humanity in relation to all subjects of the educational process; continuous development of aesthetic culture of students, parents, teacher; the organization of leisure of pupils by means of arts: fine arts, music, theater, choreography, etc.; the study of Russian, French, German, Latin, ancient Greek languages, the history of the Fatherland, literature, aesthetics should be based on the historical context, the inclusion in the aesthetic environment; the choice of methods of training and education is based on the principles of naturalness and visibility. Criteria of level of development of cognitive universal educational actions (UUD) of younger school students are defined: differs in diligence to the doctrine; shows interest in a subject; during the lessons he is emotionally active; asks questions, seeks to answer them; interest is directed to the object of study; shows curiosity; independently performs the tasks of the teacher; shows the stability of volitional aspirations. The conditions of productive activities, problem situations at the Russian language lessons in primary school. The methods of activation of cognitive, aesthetic sphere of students are reasoned: composition on a picture; composition with a grammatical task; creative work with elements of comparative characteristic; composition-miniature; writing a fairy tale, the use of entertaining material. The identified criteria of levels of development of aesthetic culture of pupils: the requirement of motivational, cognitive, emotional and evaluative, activity. On the basis of the research the course «Development of aesthetic culture of students by means of art, work, nature, communication, environment» was developed and conducted. In conclusion, the results are presented: the dynamics of the cognitive, aesthetic sphere of students. The direct connection between the development of cognitive and aesthetic sphere is revealed.
historical, pedagogical and social-oriented approaches, cognitive and aesthetic sphere.

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