Sarayeva Nadezhda Mikhailovna
Доктор психологических наук, Prof. of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology, Transbaikal State University, saraiewa@mail.ru, Chita


The purpose of the article is to give theoretical and empirical substantiation of the proposed new version of the human resilience model. The need to develop a new model is associated with the general task of the project conducted under the guidance of the author, which is to study the resilience of youth population permanently residing in ecologically unfavorable territories (evidence from the territories of Transbaikal region). The models presented in domestic literature reflect human resilience which is manifested only in interaction with the social environment, with detecting of predominantly personal characteristics in this model. This paper contains a different formulation of the problem and a broader interpretation of resilience. The research problem is the following: what is the resilience of people who constantly interact with a complicated natural environment; on the basis of which model it is possible to conduct an empirical study of resilience of this category of people? The methodological approach, within the framework of which the study is conducted, is an ecopsychological approach to mental evolution (V.I. Panov). It allows to interpret resilience as a systemic property of the «man – living environment» system. Living environment includes both natural and social conditions of human life. Resilience is a complex bio-psycho-social phenomenon that can not be reduced only to personal characteristics, but it contains in its structure mental and psychophysiological, neuropsychological characteristics of a person. The structure of resilience in the represented model is determined in accordance with the system organization of a person applied by A.N. Leontyev. The developed model of resilience is classified as a structure-level model. Psycho-physiological, mental and personal levels are distinguished in the structure of resilience. The parameters are defined: mental efficiency on the psycho-physiological level, intellectual development on the mental level, hardiness on the personal level. The empirical substantiation of the proposed model is conducted. The author studied multilevel indicators of resilience of the subjects – the students in the final year of secondary school who live in three ecologically unfavorable territories of Transbaikal region (N = 121). The research methods are the following: neuropsychological tests (47), testing (J. Raven progressive matrices and hardiness test by D.A. Keontyev and Ye.I. Rasskazova). Pearson correlation analysis of the obtained data was carried out. The author empirically elicited the existence of relations between the indicators of different levels of resilience, which indicates the validity of the model.
resilience, ecologically unfavorable conditions, model, levels, substantiation, correlation analysis.

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