Shcherbakov Andrey Viktorovich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Assoc. Prof., Senior Researcher of the Department Upbringing and Further Education, Chelyabinsk Institute of Personnel Development and Continuing Education, upravka74_z@mail.ru, Chelyabinsk

Directions of Providing Professional Growth of the Teacher-Educator

In modern education, the importance of value orientations acquired by a person in the process of mastering knowledge and skills is increasing. The leading role in the process of moral formation is played by the teacher-educator, who has the personal professional position of the educator. In the studies of various authors, professional position is considered as a continuous process of becoming a person in the activities carried out in an educational organization. The article offers a description of the leading directions for ensuring the professional growth of a teacher-educator. At the first stage of the study, a content analysis of the scientific literature was carried out in order to determine the directions of ensuring professional growth (development) of teachers. The data obtained will allow us to conclude that the identified areas can provide professional growth for the teacher who provides upbringing but the question remains about the impact of these areas on the formation and development of the teacher’s professional position as an educator. At the next stage of the study, a theoretical analysis of studies describing various “specific” conditions, directions ensuring the growth (development) of a teacher performing upbringing was carried out. As a result of the theoretical analysis the directions providing professional growth of the teacher-educator were defined: the development of the individual professional style of the teacher-educator; the development of the professional worldview of the teacher-educator; development of the reflective culture of the teacher-educator.
professionalism, professional growth, professional position, teacher-educator

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