Ivanov Andrey Anatolyevich
Доктор философских наук, Prof. of the Chair of Philosophy and History, Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation, larsandr@mail.ru, Novosibirsk
Ivaschenko Yana Sergeevna
Доктор культурологии, Prof. of the Chair of History and Political Science, Novosibirsk State Technical University, iva_ya@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Discourse of Personality in the Russian Pedagogical Thought Mid-19th Century

Problem and Aim. The research is based on the cultural-relational approach to understanding the personality as an anthropological model of the Modern and social construct, produced within the framework of the discourse of personality. The article is aimed to identify and analyze the categories of personality discourse in Russian pedagogical publicism of the XIX century. Methodology. The basic method of research is discourse-analysis, which involves the identification of discourse-semantic figures (categories) within whose interaction the personality concept is described and interpreted in the texts on pedagogical problems. The material for analysis was the pedagogical publicism in the 1830s-60s. of N.A. Dobrolyubov, D.I. Pisarev, K.D. Ushinsky, N.I. Pirogov and others. Results. The general discursive frameworks for constructing an anthropological model of «person» in Modern societies are defined as antinomies: negation – identification; individuality  – universality; formal unity – intentional integrity. The combination of these antinomies gives the personality a status of a sovereign source of social institutions. Russian pedagogical discourse of the 30-60s of the XIX century represents these antinomies in a specific configuration of discursive-semantic figures: internal – external; individual – society; intellect – emotion; ethic – morality. The semantics of these categories, the distributive and predicative relations between them, the functions they perform in pedagogical discussions on topics of sincerity, nationality, the moral division of society and the nurture of an integral personality are determined. The conclusion is made that the specific configuration of the categories of personality discourse of the XIXth century in the context of nurture’s problems is presented in the following form: pedagogical activity is guided by the upbringing of the internal autonomy of the person, capable to express and realize himself outward, opposing his moral integrity to the moral duality and disunity of society.
personality, subject, anthropological model, discourse of personality, discursive-semantic figure, desocialization, autonomy

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