Shcherbakov Andrey Viktorovich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Assoc. Prof., Senior Researcher of the Department Upbringing and Further Education, Chelyabinsk Institute of Personnel Development and Continuing Education, upravka74_z@mail.ru, Chelyabinsk
Kislyakov Alexey Vyacheslavovich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Docent, Head of Department, Chelyabinsk Institute of Personnel Development and Continuing Education, kislyakov_a@mail.ru, Chelyabinsk
Cazaillon Jean-Luc
Director-General, Semea (National Association of Centres for Active Education), cazaillon@cemea.asso.fr, Paris

Principles of New Education in the Activity of the Professional Communities of Teacher-Educator of France and Russia

In modern society and education in the era of global transformations, there are sociocultural changes that change the approaches and principles to the organization of education and training of children and young people in different countries. The leading role in the development of education, in defining the key principles of the New Education may belong to the professional communities of educators, whose activities are carried out within the framework of public organizations. The article proposes a description of the experience of the activities of public organizations in Russia and France, which implement various practices of education with children and youth based on the principles of the New Education. At the first stage of the study, an analysis of the target orientations of the activities of professional communities and their leading signs was carried out. The study is devoted to the consideration of the ideas of New Education, which are a pedagogical reference point, the mission of CEMEA France, which have been developed in the activities of the pedagogical communities of Russia and in other countries of the world. At the next stage of the study, an analysis of the principles of the New Education was carried out, which are reflected in such concepts as: actions, dialectic “personality-group”, environment, relations. In the logic of presentation of the entire study, the peculiarities of the activities of professional communities of teachers and educators in France and Russia are revealed, where the teaching practice of disseminating active education methods is central. The findings of the analysis allow us to conclude that the basic principles of the New Education, which conceptually reflect the essence of the pedagogical methodology and practice of organizing education in non-formal and formal education CEMEA France, are the subject of discussion and the exchange of the practice of professional communities of educators from various countries.
new education, active education, professional communities of educators, globalization, intercultural interaction

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