Tertychnaya Valentina Tikhonovna
A Teacher of the Highest Category in Theory of Sport, Novosibirsk School (college) of Olympic reserve, av.tertychnyy@mail.ru, Novosibirsk
Tertychnyi Alexey Vladimirovich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Physical Education, Novosibirsk State Technical University, a.v.tertychnyy@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Organization and Holdind of Practicai Ciasses on the Theory of Sports Taking Into Account Mentai and Physicai of Students During the Schooi Day

In the current circumstances, taking into account the federal State educational standard for secondary vocational education and the decrease in the interest of students to study, the search for and materialization of reserves in the activation of students is of paramount importance in improving the quality of education. The purpose of the study was to develop and substantiate recommendations concerning the organization and holding of practical classes on the theory of sports, taking into account the concentration of mental and physical activity of students during the day at the university. The need for differentiation of the structure and content of practical classes, taking into account mental and physical activity of students during the day at the university, was experimentally justified. Methodical recommendations concerning the organization and holding of practical classes on theoretical discipline were developed in the form of instructional and diagnostic charts based on the information we received on changes in the level of attention and efficiency of students and on the informationabout tension level in the process of registering the variability of the heart rhythm. Pedagogical observations show signs of improving the discipline of students in class and give reason to talk about the positive impact of the experimental program on the result of improvement.
students, mental and physical activity, motivation, attention, efficiency, structure of educational activity

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