Makhinin Alexander Nikolaevich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Head of the Department of General Pedagogy, Voronezh state pedagogical university, alex-makhinin@yandex.ru, Voronezh


According to the author, modern space of social and existential positioning of the personality and group, losing the former valuable and standard definiteness, can be considered as an object for designing, both from itself, and from subjects, external for them. Therefore it is obvious that the modern sociocultural and educational situation updated installation to every possible assistance of socialization of the identity of the student, formation of its civil identity, a responsible and active position in social transformations which happen in the family for it higher education institution, the city, the country, to formation at it healthy spiritual and moral qualities. Practice of the organization and support of student’s social initiatives is represented to some of the possible directions of realization of the specified tasks that, in turn, can be considered as expression of a measure of their social efficiency and development of sociality.
civic identity, social initiative, students

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