Lobzina Tatiana Pavlovna
Director, Center for personal development, Tatilo@mail.ru, Nizhny Novgorod


Problems and objective. The family, as a social institution with its inherent functionally role structure, has all the conditions for the social development of children in preschool and junior school age. However, parents are not always ready to realize their socializing function. The teacher can indirectly influence the social development of children by developing parental competence. Purposes of article. To present diagnostic methods and results of the research of preschool and junior school children social qualities and to show the dynamics of their development as a result of systematic work with parents. Main results. The article proposes the complex of social qualities, the basic characteristics of the successful social development of a preschooler, based on the study of psychological and pedagogical literature: activity, initiative, independence, arbitrariness and self-discipline, the ability to interact, the ability to carry out self-assessment and positive emotional attitude. Ascertaining experiment showed that the state of formation of these qualities in children is at the average and low level. At the forming stage of the experiment, work with families of the experimental group pupils was organized. The competence of parents and the organization of subject-to-subject interaction in the family in the process of implementing family function were the main conditions for effective work. Conclusion. Control experiment showed the increased level of social qualities development of experimental group children.
complex of social qualities, subject-subject interaction, parents and children in the family, family activities, experimental group, control group

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