Hadzhiev Sajdhasan Magomedovich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Chechen Institute for Advanced Training of Educators, metod-07@mail.ru, Grozny


Problem and target. The quality of educational outcomes is determined by the nature of interaction between school and the student’s family. According to monitoring studies, parents of high school students show unworthy participation in school life of a child. The target of the article is to study the influence of conscious parental responsibility on the achievement of high educational results of high school students, to determine the mechanisms of interaction between school and parents with different levels of conscious responsibility. Methodology. Theoretical basis of the research are conclusions of domestic and foreign researches devoted to the phenomenon of conscious and responsible parenthood. On the basis of the analysis of sources, the concept of conscious parental responsibility is characterized; indicators and criteria of this concept are singled out. The impact of conscious parental responsibility on the educational outcomes of high school students is described. A direct correlation between the level of conscious parental responsibility and the educational results of high school students was found. Conclusion. Conclusions were made on the need to build the work of the school with the family to improve conscious parenting and its responsible attitude to the educational results of high school students. The practical value of the article lies in the description of targeted parental support programs with different levels of conscious responsibility. The article can be useful for researchers in the field of family pedagogy.
conscious parental responsibility, high school students, educational results, family, professional standard of the teacher, targeted support programs

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