Karnaukhov Dmitriy
Доктор исторических наук, profesor of the department of Russian and general history, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, dvkarn@mail.ru, Novosibirsk


The article depicts the features of the mythologization of the history of Russia, Russia and the USSR in the Polish textbooks of the 1990s and 2000s. It compares the experience of Russia and other post-Soviet countries in the formation of ideas about national and universal history in the field of historical education with the experience of Eastern European countries, among which special attention is paid to Poland and the efforts of this country aimed at creating a homogeneous ideological environment in the field of ideas about the past. The author makes an analysis of the prerequisites and stages of the formation of the Polish mythology of Russia, shows its political and socio-cultural context. Using the example few educational publications intended for high classes students in Polish schools, makes an analysis key elements of the mythological perception of Russian history and the history of Russian-Polish relations are demonstrated. There is also given the characteristics the structure of the mythology, key symbolic events and persons. The conclusion is made about the influence of the political situation on the process of mythologizing history and the content of historical myths.
historical mythology, historical education, historiography, Russian-Polish relations

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