Grass Tatiana Petrovna
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof., St. Petersburg University of Civil Aviation, tpgrass@mail.ru, St. Petersburg
Petrishchev Vladimir Innokentievich
Доктор педагогических наук, St. Petersburg State University of civil aviation named after Air Chief Marshal A. A. Novikov, St. Petersburg University of Civil Aviation, vpetrishchev2019@mail.ru, St. Petersburg

The formation of the competence “entrepreneurship” for senior school students as a structural element of the economic culture (based on the material of Russia and foreign countries)

The authors present the experience of comprehension of the formation of the competence “entrepreneurship ”as a structural element of the economic culture of senior school students as one of the components of the competence approach in the modern pedagogy and they demonstrate new challenges facing the society in Russia when a school leaver should understand not only main laws of modern innovative economy functioning but should have a set of competencies for the effective entrepreneurship and consumer activity and for the successful participation in social-oriented economic relationship. Based on the theoretical analyses of the advanced pedagogical experience conclusions are drawn that at present there is no concept about competence “entrepreneurship” as a structural element of senior school students’ economic culture. The analyze of approaches to understanding its structure and components allows to systematize knowledge for the formation of the competence “entrepreneurship ”and economic culture for senior school students including objects, tasks, content and pedagogical conditions. Conclusion. Having carried out the analyze of works of modern foreign as well as Russian authors we came to conclusion that in the scientific literature there is no general approach to the formation of the competence “entrepreneurship” for senior school students as well as there is no agreed structure of the category under consideration, therefore its structural composition is not limited to skills, knowledge and abilities. The given material of the formation of the competence “entrepreneurship ” and economic culture of youth in the USA, Canada and China is important for the comprehension, mutual enrichment and for the possibility to use it in practice in Russia because methodological and technological potential has been developed in these countries and ways and forms, and methods of practical activity organization to form the competence “entrepreneurship” for senior school students as a structural element of the economic culture have been worked out.
economic culture, competence, entrepreneurship, senior school student, school

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