Pivchenko Vladimir Petrovich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Institute of History, Humanitarian and Social Education, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, vladimirpivchenko@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk


The article is devoted to the analysis of the pedagogical experience of the most famous Russian teacher of the 20th century – Makarenko. His legacy still causes the most lively discussions both among specialists and with the participation of interested participants; and in this and that case, the opposite points of view are often expressed, although he himself described his pedagogical activity in detail, and a large number of publications devoted to this issue are published in Russia and abroad. In our opinion, memoirs, in particular, memoirs of pupils of Makarenko of different years are not sufficiently known turn yet. The analysis of these materials helps to give an answer to one of the main discussion questions: whether Makarenko’s pedagogy was exclusively collectivist or assumed, along with a collectivist approach, personality-oriented; to what extent Makarenko himself resorted to it and how it affected the educational results in each case. This was the purpose of this work. As the main historical and pedagogical source, the texts of Makarenko and, mainly, all available memories of Makarenko were involved. The study of these materials allowed us to come to unambiguous conclusions: Makarenko, firstly, was able to organically combine the educational influence of the team on the personality of each and, at the same time, the most careful way to monitor and, if necessary, tactfully guide each pupil in a variety of life situations. In conclusions it is stated that the personality-oriented approach, so actual nowadays, in Makarenko’s experience was obligatory and organic; this approach was always pedagogically justified; Makarenko fully realized it in the practice, having achieved the highly proved pedagogical results.
personality-oriented approach, Makarenko’s pedagogy, makarenkovets, educational results

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