УДК 376.36
Fur Ekaterina Petrovna
Head of the Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Inclusive Education, Center of Education and Health “Master”, Department of Logopedics and Children’s Speech, Insitute of Childhood, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, fur-ekaterina@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Special characteristics of the development of the syntactic component of the linguistic competence in primary school children with speech disorders

The article presents theoretical analysis of linguistic, psycholinguistic, neurolinguistic and logopedic literature on the problem of researching the syntactic component of the linguistic competence in primary school children with speech disorders. Purpose of the article - to present a theoretical analysis of linguistic, psycholinguistic, neuro-linguistic and speech therapy literature on the problem of studying the syntactic component of the language ability of younger students with speech disorders. The topicality of researching the processes of syntactic formation is conditioned, on the one hand, by the importance of the development of the syntactic component of the linguistic competence in primary school children with speech disorders, and on the other hand, by the fact that the subject and methods of logopedic work have not been sufficiently developed in this direction. The ill-forming of the syntactic component of the linguistic competence in primary school children with speech disorders manifests itself in omitting subjects, predicates and objects, violating sentence boundaries and word order, adding words not prescribed in the meaning of the utterance, mistakes in grammatical expression of the utterance as well as violating such ways of connection as government and concord. Utterances produced by the schoolchildren of this category are characterized by sense distortion, omitting important logical items, violating the sequence of narrated events, logical incompletion of the utterance, violating the syntactic links between sentences, and difficulties with conveying temporal and spatial relations. Speech of primary school children is characterized by wide usage of one-word sentences. Researchers also highlight ill-formed process of predication in primary school children with speech disorders. The children are able to understand logical dependence between facts in composite sentences but experience difficulties when formulating grammatically correct thoughts syntactically shaped as a compound or complex sentence. Some researchers observe increase in the ill-forming of the syntactic component of the linguistic competence in written speech of the primary school children.
linguistic competence, syntax, levels of syntactic formation, severe speech disorders, primary school children, speech disorders.

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