Sitnikov Alexander Sergeevich
Director of MAOU SOSH No. 216, city of Novosibirsk, MAOU SOSH No. 216, city of Novosibirsk, sitnikoffs@ngs.ru, Novosibirsk

Participation in social project as a condition for the formation of social mobility of high school students

Problem and objective. A dynamically developing society poses new challenges to the education system. One of the most important is the education of a new generation of active, proactive and responsible citizens. The article deals with the theoretical basis of the formation of social mobility in the project process. The purpose of the work is to show the possibility of using social project to improve the indicators of social mobility of high school students. Theoretical bases. The essence of social project is revealed, its signs are project and resources of influence of social project on social mobility of the personality are revealed. Personal characteristics of students necessary for participation in social project are described. The specific qualities of social and mobile personality, the development of which contributes to the participation of high school students in social project. Analysis of results. The results of experimental work carried out with students in grades 9-11 during 2015–2017, with examples of the most significant projects implemented by high school students. The changes that occurred with students in the control and experimental groups are analyzed. It was found that the participation of high school students in social project contributes to the qualitative changes necessary for social and mobile personality. Students of the experimental group demonstrated positive dynamics in terms of readiness to solve problems and responsibility for decisions.
project activity, social project, social mobility, high school students, pedagogical conditions

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