Dmitrenko Andrey Yurievich
Lecturer at the Department of Design and Operation of Aviation Engineering, Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov, andrei_dmitrenko@list.ru, Krasnodar

Professional responsibility of russian aerospace forces officer: content structural analysis

In fact, the implementation of some training and combat tasks facing the units and subunits of the Aerospace Force brings a much smaller effect than planned. One of the reasons for this is the lack of appropriate head`s level of responsibility for the assigned case. The purpose of the article is to present the professional responsibility of an officer of the Russian Aerospace Forces as an important feature of his personality, which reflects its activity and relative independence in positioning for its intended purpose. The author argues that the professional responsibility of an officer in the Russian Aerospace Forces contributes to the formation of their attitude to flight operations and the acquisition of the competencies necessary for making adequate decisions. The substantive professional responsibility of an officer is presented through the prism of its levels: unconditional, acceptable, real, feigned and crucial. Increased requirements for the professional responsibility of the officer are also found and justified. These include: a) high preparedness of the officer of the VKS about the decisions taken; b) the reliability of officer VKS; c) readiness of the officer of the VKS for adequate risk in special cases of flight, etc. In structural terms, a number of components of professional responsibility of an officer are distinguished: motivational, regulatory, moral, cognitive, emotional and regulatory. The result of the work consists in formulating the concept of “professional responsibility of an officer in the Russian Aerospace Forces” as a property of his personality, characterized by activity and independence in the implementation of official functions on the platform of competence, talent for self-regulation, reflection of individual behavioral order and readiness to be responsible for the consequences of decisions made.
VKS officer, military pilot, personality, feature, professional responsibility

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