Shcherbakov Andrey Viktorovich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher of the Department of Education and Further Education, Chelyabinsk Institute of Retraining and Further Training of Education Workers, Chelyabinsk Institute of Retraining and Further Training of Education Workers, upravka74_z@mail.ru, Chelyabinsk
Kislyakov Alexey Vyacheslavovich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Education and Further Education, Chelyabinsk Institute for Retraining and Further Training of Education Workers, kislyakov_a@mail.ru, Chelyabinsk
Rebikova Julia Valerevna
Head of the Regional Center for Continuing Professional Education, Chelyabinsk Institute for Retraining and Further Training of Education Workers, kislyakov_a@mail.ru, Chelyabinsk
Kineva Ekaterina Leonidovna
Head of the Laboratory of Scientific and Methodological Support for Updating the Content and Technologies of Continuing Education for Children, Chelyabinsk Institute for Retraining and Further Training of Education Workers, kinewa.ek@yandex.ru, Chelyabinsk
Lyamtseva Elena Valerevna
Head of the Laboratory for Educational and Methodological Support of Innovation Activities of Organizations Implementing Additional General Education Programs, Chelyabinsk Institute for Retraining and Further Training of Education Workers, lamcevaev@yandex.ru, Chelyabinsk

Organization and carrying out of professional and public examination of model additional general educational programs

Currently, the system of additional education for children is undergoing major changes. The implementation of the National Education Project and its subproject Success of Every Child requires the creation and implementation of adaptive, practice-oriented and flexible educational programs. Modern reality shows that these transformations are impossible without using the potential of continuing education programs for children, which should be associated with a new understanding of the essence of education of the younger generation, contributing to the social, economic, cultural development of our society. The Chelyabinsk Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Education Workers organized work on the professional examination of additional model general education programs developed as part of the implementation of the “Subsidy for the implementation of pilot projects to update the content and technology of further education in priority areas” state program of the Russian Federation “Education Development “On the topic of the project” Pedagogical franchising network deployment additional general education programs at the level of municipalities of the Chelyabinsk region. ” The relevance of the study was determined by regulatory requirements to ensure the coverage, accessibility and quality of implementation of additional general education programs, as well as the objectives of the project. The article discusses the general issues of organizing and conducting a professionally public examination of model additional comprehensive educational programs. The main results of the study are described, which determine the degree of compliance of the model additional general educational programs with modern regulatory requirements, methodological recommendations and the willingness of teachers to use these programs for implementation in educational, cultural, physical education and sports organizations.
additional education of children, model, model additional general educational program, examination, professional and public examination

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