Danilova Elena Nikolaevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci (Pedag), Asist. Prof. of the Chair, Institute of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Siberian Federal University, agama13@yandex.ru, Krasnoyarsk
Sabinin Leonid Tikhonovich
Asist. Prof. of the Chair, Institute of physical culture, sports and tourism, Siberian Federal University, SabininFK@gmail.com, Krasnoyarsk
Ulanov Vladimir Nikolaevich
Senior lecturer of the Chair, Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Siberian Federal University, v.ulanoff@yandex.ru, Krasnoyarsk

Terminology Athletic Gymnastics As A Part Of Sports Terminology

The article deals with the problem of formation of conceptual apparatus in new sports and health training. The necessity of development of uniform terminology of athletic gymnastics and ordering of the applied terms is proved. The level of professional competence of teachers of athleticism (bodybuilding), including knowledge of the theory and methodology of training, as well as special terminology, is investigated. The insufficient quantity and quality of the available literature devoted to questions of athletic training and containing scientifically-proved information in an accessible form is specified. The article argues for the importance of improving methodical competence of teachers of athletics and coaches in the sport. The author defines such sources of terms formation in modern athleticism as: Federal regulations; borrowings from other sports; scientific disciplines that study the structure and functions of the human body, its behavior, including in the process of physical culture and sports; borrowings from foreign languages and sports jargon. Recommendations for systematization of the terms and concepts applied in athleticism are given. There are groups of terms, which include exercises and their elements; sports equipment, inventory and equipment; disciplines and nominations in sports areas of athleticism; components of training sessions and methodological techniques. The relevance of the ordering of terms denoting the names of working movements and exercises is indicated.
athletic gymnastics, athleticism, bodybuilding, teaching, terms, concepts

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