Krasheninnikova Anastasia Evgenievna
Senior teacher of the English Philology Department, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev, atansy2@mail.ru, Krasnoyarsk

Peculiarities Of State Education Policy For Successful Economic Socialization Of High School Students In Canada And The Usa

The article actualizes the problem of improving the level of the economic socialization of high school students in the context of the state education policy. The experience of such developed English-speaking countries as Canada and the United States is of particular interest for Russian researchers as in these countries the state’s influence on the process of economic socialization of high school students, creation of appropriate mechanisms and conditions through the education system contributes to the adaptation of high school students to social and economic changes. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the modern state education policy in Canada and the United States which contribute to the improvement of the level of economic socialization of high school students. The author analyzes the main directions and describes a number of successful initiatives implemented in Canada and the United States which contribute to the successful economic socialization of high school students. The article highlights some similar and peculiar features of the education system modernization aimed at solving the problem of the economic socialization of high school students in Canada and the United States. In conclusion, it is noted that the modern state education policy in Canada and the United States reflects the modern social order for training high school students with a high level of economic socialization, and the study of the positive experience of Canada and the United States may be important for understanding, enrichment and its use in Russian practice.
Economic socialization, entrepreneurship, financial literacy, education policy, high school students, innovations

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