Jennifer Lord
Master in education, teacher, Fundamental intermediate school, ,, Santa Ana, California
Raymond A.
teacher, Villa Fundamental Intermediate School, ,, California
Melinda R. Pierson
Ph.D., Prof. and Chair of the Department of Special Education, California State University, http://ed.fullerton.edu/spead, Fullerton, California

Implementing Mindfulness Strategies To Mitigate The Adverse Effects Of Traumatic Events And Exceptionally Challenging Child-hoods

Children from adverse backgrounds may struggle in school and present difficulty to their teachers in the form of poor academic and behavioral performance. Traumatic events in a family can change the way an individual interprets the world around him or her and change the overall perspective about life for an individual. Being able to develop a deeper understanding and greater resilience to events that are perceived to be life-threatening or that trigger unhealthy mental or behavioral patterns is the focus of many teachers and mindfulness has proven to be effective in addressing these concerns. An effective way to increase resiliency and develop coping skills is to teach specific mindfulness interventions in the classroom setting. Proactively developing the practice of mindfulness without judgment and being present in their daily experiences by teachers can promote higher engagement as well as promote an atmosphere of acceptance and comfort. Impactful teaching occurs when teachers are able to understand the students’ backgrounds. This manuscript examines the factors of traumatic childhood events and explores the idea of the practice of mindfulness in supporting children from difficult and diverse backgrounds.
mindfulness, childhood trauma, diverse learners

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