Dulatova Zainep Asanalievna
Кандидат физико-математических наук, Cand. Sci. (Physico-mathemat.), Chair of the Department of Mathematics and Method of Teaching Mathematics, Irkutsk State University, dulatova@yandex.ru, Irkutsk
Kovyrshina Anna Ivanovna
Кандидат физико-математических наук, Cand. Sci. (Physico-mathemat.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Mathematics and Method of Teaching Mathematics, Irkutsk State University, annkow@mail.ru, Irkutsk
Lapshina Elena Sergeevna
Кандидат физико-математических наук, Cand. Sci. (Physico-mathemat.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Mathematics and Method of Teaching Mathematics, Irkutsk State University, esl7828@gmail.com, Irkutsk
Shtykov Nikolay Nikolaevich
Кандидат физико-математических наук, Cand. Sci. (Physico-mathematical), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines, Irkutsk State University, tukubik8@gmail.com, Irkutsk

Development and Evaluation of Logical Universal Educational Actions

A number of works in domestic pedagogics are devoted to the problem of the formation of logical universal learning activities (ULA). This problem naturally raises the question of formal or informal allocation of criteria for the formation of logical ULA, which are determined by the tasks of formation. It is clear that the content of lessons and didactic material must be subject to these criteria. The purpose of our article was to explicitly describe the criteria and indicators for the formation of logical ULA. In their definition, we relied on classical theories of formal and mathematical logic. However, it should be noted that the task was not to fill the school course with so-called university theory, but to analyze from a scientific point of view the logical component of the content of school education and to set achievable goals, remaining within the framework of basic (secondary) general education. The methodological basis of our research is the psychological and pedagogical theories of the development of thinking, including the theory of the gradual formation of methods of mental action, a systematic and active approach to the organization of training. The main methods used in the research process are logical-didactic analysis of the content of school disciplines, methods of formal and mathematical logic, reflection of the activity of the content mastering process. We used the conceptual framework of formal logic was to develop a criterion approach to the estimation of logical ULA. The implementation of the approach for the logical action “ability to prove” is described. The article proposes a model of diagnostics of logical ULA formation, examples of tasks in mathematics and social science for use in the process of training and diagnostics are given.
logical universal learning actions, logical thinking, school education

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