Chernobrov Alexey Alexandrovich
Доктор филологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Philolog.), Prof., the Chair of Foreign Languages, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical Univercity, chern@sibmail.ru, Novosibirsk
Boboeydovа Olga Vladislavovna
Master of Arts (Pedagogy), Teacher of English and French, Private School “Aurora”,, boboedova.olga@gmail.com, Novosibirsk

Specific Character of International Internet Discourse and Methods of Teaching Oral and Written Speech

This article is devoted to the testing of a new manual “Online-blogging in the English-speaking environment”. It is reffered to the teaching English in middle school via blogs. Blogs are effective not only for communication but also for pedagogical needs. However there is a certain lack of guidebooks for teachers helping in organaising such types of courses. The goal of the article is to prove the efficience of the manual based on obtaining key competences of working in blogosphere and the development of productive language skills (especially writing skill) by students. Authors give detailed description of the course created on the basis of the manual including the content, evaluating procedures and technical equipment required for its successful implementation. The main methods of research used for achievement of the goal and the solution of the objectives of the stated hypothesis: questioning of pupils, the analysis of the obtained data; pedagogical experiment, testing of pupils, systematization and synthesis of the obtained data, statistical analysis of results; method of expert assessment. During the research authors adhere to three fundamental principles of scientific activity – objectivity, systemacity and reproducibility of investigation phases. The practical objective of the research consists in development, approbation and practicacal use of the elective course “Online Blogging in the English-speaking Environment” devoted to training of oral and written speech with the use of various means of the Internet. In addition the article contains a thorough description of the course testing in one of the middle schools in Novosibirsk. The level of cultural competence of students proved to increase.
blogs, teaching English via blogs, Internet-communication, blogs in teaching English for ESL-learners

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