Dynamics of development of the ethnocultural education in Russia (the end of the ХIХth – the first quarter of the XXth centuries)
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11. Kolesnik, N. T., Kiseleva, E. A., 2012. Ethno-Cultural education as a condition for preserving ethnic identity of national minorities (on the example of the ethnic group “Russian Germans”). Innovations and modern technologies in the education system. Materials Mogunr. science.-pract. Conf. February 20–21. Penza; Yerevan; Shadrinsk: Sociosphere Publ., pp. 217–223. (In Russ.)
12. Kolcherin, A., 2004. Christianization of the peoples of the Volga region. N. I. Ilminsky and the Orthodox mission. Moscow: RISCH Publ., 720 p. (In Russ.)
13. Konstantinov, N. A., Smirnov, V. Z., 1959. History of pedagogy. Textbook for pedagogical schools. Approved by the Ministry of education of the RSFSR. Moscow: State Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR Publ., 270 p. (In Russ.)
14. Lenin, V. I., 1985. Critical notes on the national question. On the right of Nations to self-determination. About national pride of great Russians. Moscow: Politizdat Publ., 93 p. (In Russ.)
15. Lunacharsky, A. V., 1976. On education and education. Moscow: Pedagogy Publ., 640 p. (In Russ.)
16. Marx, K., Engels, F., 1974. Manifesto of the Communist party. Moscow: Politizdat Publ., 64 p. (In Russ.)
17. Mathis, V. I., 1997. The Problem of the national school in a multicultural society. Barnaul: BSPU Publ., 336 p. (In Russ.)
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19. Pavlova, A. N., 2002. System of N. I. Ilminsky and its implementation in school education of non-Russian peoples of the East of Russia. Cheboksary, 28 p. (In Russ.)
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21. Shpikalova, T. I., Baklanova, T. I., Ershova, L. V., 2006. The Concept of ethnocultural education in the Russian Federation. Shuya: News Publ.: SHSPU Publ., 23 p. (In Russ.)
22. Shubina, I. V., Zavrazhin, A.V., Fedorov, P. Yu., 2011. Educational policy in Russia: history and modernity. Monograph. Moscow: MESI Publ., 127 p. (In Russ.)
23. Shetinov, J. A., Lewandowski, A., 2003. History of Russia of XX – beginning of XXI century. Moscow: Prosveshchenie Publ., 71 p. (In Russ.)
24. Iakunchev, M. A., Gorshenina, S. N., 2012. The model of ethno-cultural training of students of pedagogical University. Siberian pedagogical journal, No. 8, pp. 77–82. (In Russ, abstract in Eng.)