Аndrienko Elena Vasilyevna
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof. of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, eva_andrienko@rambler.ru, Novosibirsk
Grinevetskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Novosibirsk State Medical University; Assoc. Prof. at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, tanita973@list.ru, Novosibirsk

Dynamics of development of the ethnocultural education in Russia (the end of the ХIХth – the first quarter of the XXth centuries)

Introduction The actualization and significance of the study of ethnocultural education in Russia is due to the need to improve modern education and training processes in a constantly changing ethnocultural environment with an increase in migration and an aggravation of sociocultural relations. The purpose of the article is a comparative analysis of the development of ethnocultural education in Russia at the turn of the century (late 19th – first quarter of the 21st centuries) in the context of socio-economic, sociocultural and political revolutionary changes. Methodology and research methods. The main research methods were: comparative analysis, study of documents, retrospective analysis, problem-chronological method, periodization based on the allocation of sociocultural criteria. The main methodological approaches: an ambivalent approach, implemented in the study of conflicting trends in the development of historical and pedagogical phenomena; the humanistic approach associated with the analysis of subjective relations in the educational environment; axiological approach, fixed on the value contexts of changing education; a historical approach that allows you to analyze the specifics of education, taking into account the most important events that affect the content and nature of ethnocultural education; ethnopsychological approach based on an understanding of the national and ethnic specifics of training and education; sociocultural approach that determines the impact of culture on social and political processes. The article presents an analysis of the dynamics of the development of ethnocultural education in Russia, taking into account the identification of the main trends of this process. The stages of development in this period are determined, as well as the changes that occurred in the training and education of the younger generation at each stage. Stage I: the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX century. Stage of exacerbation of social / class contradictions and unsustainable educational policies. Stage II: 1917–1922 The stage of revolutionary transformations and the creation of a new, politically conditioned education system, independent of faiths. Stage III – 1922–1925 The transitional stage for the creation and development of a supranational education system, the beginning of the centralization of education in the new multinational state – the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The development of ethnocultural education in Russia was very dynamic under the influence of various sociocultural factors. Since the end of the XIX century. and the entire first quarter of the twenty-first century. Researchers’ views on the practice of education and the problems associated with ethnocultural teaching and upbringing have also changed. Significant changes have taken place in the ethnocultural practice of training and education. In addition, the revolutionary changes in the political, social and economic factors that determine the significant dynamics of all aspects of the country’s life (including national education), determined the formation of a new national paradigm of ethnocultural education in the twentieth century. Conclusion The study of the development of ethnocultural education in Russia at the turn of the century (late XIX – first quarter of the XXI century) was predetermined by the significance of contradictory sociocultural tendencies of that time, which (with some degree of conventionality) can be compared with modern contradictions and conflicts that are manifested in many aspects of the life of various peoples and ethnic groups. The identification of the main trends in the development of ethnocultural education at the turn of the century is significant today for understanding and designing modern approaches to creating ethnocultural education that meets the new requirements and requirements of a person, society and the state in the context of global changes in the culture of postmodernism and taking into account the historical experience of Russia, reflecting the mental basic foundations of a changing sociocultures of a multinational country.
education development tendencies, periodization, ethnocultural education, national school, system of education, «aliens», sociocultural factors

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