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Krivolapchuk Igor Allerovich
Доктор биологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Biolog.), Head of Laboratory of Physiology of Muscular Activity and Physical Training, Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Institute for Developmental Physiology,, Moscow
Mysh’yakov Vladimir Vasilyevich
Senior lecturer, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, ,, Grodno
Gerasimova Anastasia Allerovna
Кандидат медицинских наук, Cand. Sci. (Medic.), Senior Researcher, Russian Academy of Education Institute for Developmental, ., Moscow
Krivolapchuk Ivan Igorevich
Researcher, Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Institute for Developmental,, Moscow
Kesel Sergey Antonovich
Assocю Prof, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, ,, Grodno
Savushkina Elena Vasilyevna
Senior Teacher, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, ,, Grodno

Savushkina E. V. Mental Working Capability of Primary School Pupils at Different Management of Physical Activity Regime

AIntroduction. It is known that a pleasant influence of physical activity on a mental working capability of schoolchildren is dealt only when organization of motor regime, capacity, intensity, dominated directions and lessons frequency are corresponded to the aged and individual capabilities of students. Namely, these aspects of observed issue are inaccurate studied at present that is why they are the subject of full physiologic- hygienic and psychological-pedagogic studies. The research aim is to identify the peculiarities of dynamics of mental working capability of schoolchildren of I–III grades at different regime organization of physical activity at school. Research methodology. The schoolchildren of I, II, III grades related to the health state to the main medical group took part at the research. During the research, two motor regimes were compared. A-regime was organized at the limits of six days of educational week and included the set of physical-recreation activities at the regime of educational day, three lessons of physical culture, and extracurricular lessons of physical exercises. B-regime was organized at the limits of six days of school week including five days of educational week and one day for holding sport-mass, physical-health-improving and other events. The examined regime of physical activity also included the set of physical-health-improving events at the regime of educational day, three lessons of physical culture, and extracurricular forms of physical exercises lessons To identify mental working capability the methodic of work dozing at time with the help of letters tables by Anfimov at modification Institute of Developmental Physiology, Russian Academy of Education has been used. Results. The analysis of the obtained results showed that mental working capability of pupils I, II, III forms at examined regimes of physical activity was relatively high and depended on their age. At the same time, it was stated out that on Saturday and Friday of the following week at the condition of B-regime, the changes of mental working capability were more pleasant than at A-regime. The lack of expressed lassitude among the first form pupils as well as among the second form and the third form ones at B-regime on Saturday and on Monday, apparently, is the reflection of better day schedule organization, less load of educational work and pupils’ higher physical activity, providing the effective shift from one type of activity into another one. We consider that the regime of education including five days of educational week and one day for sports- mass, fitness and other events causes less tension of CNS and rises organism’s resistance to lassitude at educational day dynamic at the beginning of the following educational week.
regime of physical activity, quantitative and qualitative indexes of mental working capability, day dynamics

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