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Voropaev Mikhail Vladimirovich
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci (Pedag.), Prof. at the Department of Pedagogy, Moscow City Pedagogical University,, Moscow
Anichkina Anastasia Sergeevna
Graduate Student, Moscow City Pedagogical University,, Moscow

American Sociological Tradition and the Problem of Determining the Content of Socio-Information Competence

The article provides an overview of the main approaches that have emerged in the United States and in Russia to the study of social competence. The authors of the article proceed from the assumption that social information competence is a kind of social competence. The his- tory of the formation of this concept is traced. Based on an analysis of a fairly extensive material of American research, the article illustrates historically developed approaches to the phenomena of social competence and social skills. A sig- nificant part of the given material is little known in domestic pedagogy. This material is compared with the main provisions of I.A. Zimney’s concept prevailing in the domestic psychological and pedagogical science. In determining the essence of socio-informational competence, the influence of different con- texts was taken into account, which influenced the formation of an understanding of social com- petence in the information society: the “21st century skills” movement, the study of social skills in people with diseases, etc. Authors Building on A. Dirks a’Melanie, T. A. Treata, V. R. Weersingb substantiates a four-factor model of socio-informational competency, combining the consideration of person- ality factors, behavioral skills, the situation and the normative features of the reference group. Given the high dynamism of the development of information and computer technologies, the article substantiates the operational definition of social and information competence as a system of relatively stable behavioral clusters of an individual manifested by him in situations of social interaction mediated by computer devices.
social competence, social skills, social information competenc

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