Aldoshina Marina Ivanovna
Доктор педагогических наук, Doc. Sci. (Pedagog.), Prof., Director of the Center for Interaction with the Russian Academy of Education, Orеl State University named after I.S. Turgenev, maraldo57@mail.ru, Orеl

The Building Professional Values of Students in Modern University Education

Problem and Aim. In the modern sociocultural situation of the multicultural world, the problem of formation of professional values of students in modern university education is particularly relevant. The problem of the article is the consideration of the theory and practical approaches of the process of their formation at the university. The purpose of the article is to consider the historical, pedagogical and value foundations of the university phenomenon, its missionary understanding. The subject of this article is the university 's educational process. The object is peculiarities, opportunities and risks of the process of formation of professional values of students in modern university education. Methodology. The methodological basis is the cultural approach considered in the context of substantive requirements of competence. Results of a research. The author describes the positive and negative features, challenges and risks of digitalization in the educational process of the university, Ways to enhance interdisciplinary education in the organization of university education, and the issue of multicultural and ethnocultural education has been updated, The existence of a university in the context of globalization as an institution of Culture and a standard of cultural code of a person of a certain ethnocultural affiliation, Aspects of strengthening the value basis of university education within the framework of competence approach and standardization of higher education in Russia are argued. The conclusion concludes that in the process of formation of professional values of students in modern university education it is necessary to take into account a complex of specific features (digitalization, interdisciplinary, multicultural).
university, university education, values, professional values, digitalization, polylevel of culture, interdisciplinarity

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