Kirillovykh Alexandra Alexandrovna
Teacher of the Department of Foreign languages and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Vyatka State University, a.bezdenezhnyx@mail.ru, Kirov

The Process of Imparting Professional Orientation to the Foreign Language Communicative Competence

The article actualizes the problem of correlating the content of a foreign language education at non-linguistic universities with the professional specifics, more precisely, the transformation of the result of this process when giving it a professional orientation. The purpose of the article is to present the stages of imparting subject-professional nature to the foreign language communicative competence at non-linguistic universities, thereby transforming it into a professionally oriented communicative competence. Methodology and research Methods. The study is conducted from the position of a competence-based approach using methods such as analysis, synthesizing and modeling. On the first stage, the structure of the competence is specified as a combination of language, speech, intercultural and metacognitive subcompetences. The second stage is the definition of the content of the competence as professionally oriented social experience. To clarify it, the criterion of professional orientation is used in the totality of its parameters, such as personal and professional orientation to a specialist in a particular field of study and the metasubject integration of foreign language education. The results of the study. As a result the model of imparting professional orientation to the foreign language communicative competence and its transformation into a professionally oriented communicative competence is presented. Conclusion. In conclusion the importance of the abovementioned for the creation of specialized courses of foreign language education at non-linguistic universities is emphasized.
foreign language communicative competence, criterion of professional orientation, structure and content of professionally oriented communicative competence, professionally oriented social experience, non-linguistic university

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