Myasnikov Vladimir Afanasievich
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof., Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Researcher of the Laboratory for Pedagogical Comparative Studies, Institute for educational development strategy RAO, ., Moscow
Tagunova Irina Augustovna
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof., Head of the Laboratory of Pedagogical Comparative Studies, Institute for educational development strategy RAO, Tagunovair@mail.ru, Moscow

Culture of Education and Learning in a Changing World

The article discusses the phenomena of “educational culture” and “learning culture.” The authors of the article analyze the role and place of the phenomena in a changing world in the process of globalization. Describing the state of education development at the present stage, researchers breed concepts and phenomena “education culture” and “learning culture”, show the possibilities and conditions of their interaction and the reasons for the discrepancy. The authors of the article made an attempt to explain why the culture of learning is globalized easier than the culture of education. The article shows that the desire for change, a better life and development of the economy, as well as a strong state will can contribute to changing not only the culture of learning, but also the culture of education; that is, while a number of countries, namely, such traditional cultures that have carefully preserved their national characteristics for centuries, such as East Asian educational systems, have sacrificed their educational traditions for the economic development of their countries, other countries are still trying to preserve their traditions in education, despite serious lags in economic development. In the article different types of cultural pedagogical models are characterized, the differences and contradictions of cultural pedagogical models are shown. The authors of the article also pointed out situations when it is necessary “to listen” to the educational culture of other countries.
culture, education, learning, a changing world, globalization, countries

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