Tagaeva Gulmira Sarygulovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Head of the Laboratory of Theory and Practice of Student Assessment, Kyrgyz Academy of Education, gulmira-tagaeva@mail.ru, Bishkek

Toolkit for Assessing Subject and key Competencies of Students 4 Classes in Russian at Schools with Kyrgyz Language of Instruction

Problem and purpose. The article deals with the content and goals of our toolkit, assessing the competencies of students in grade 4 in Russian in schools with the Kyrgyz language of instruction. The purpose of the article is to describe the development and testing of tools for assessing the educational achievements of students of 4 classes in the subject “Russian language” on a competence basis. The procedure for developing a test to determine the level of competence formation in the Russian language of children aged 11-13 is described. Methodology. The study was conducted on the basis of a competency-based approach to assessing student achievement. The results of piloting tools at some Bishkek schools are presented, the correspondence of the results obtained to those results that are spelled out in the subject standard for the Russian language is shown. In conclusion, it was concluded that the orientation of teaching the subject “Russian language” to the expected result will lead to an increase in the quality of education.
assessment tools, subject standard in the Russian language, key competencies, subject competencies in the Russian language as non-native, expected results

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