Gribukova Oksana Gennad’evna
Senior lecturer of the Department of Speech Therapy and Children’s Speech of the Institute of Childhood, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, oxana_grib@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Pedagogical Model of Training Future Teachers to Work with Children With Disabilities

the article analyzes the problem of training students of pedagogical universities to work with children with disabilities. The problem of preparation of students of pedagogical higher school for future professional activity is considered, functions, the contents, the purposes, tasks, criteria and indicators are defined, prospects of development of this problem are presented. The purpose of the article is to confirm the social demand, justify the need to develop a pedagogical model and describe some of its components. Methodology: pedagogical experience is studied, by the example of identifying the social demand for training students of pedagogical universities to work with children with disabilities. The authors describe the need to develop a pedagogical model, considering the components of training students to work with children with disabilities. Conclusion: it is concluded that, assessing their level of training, respondents showed a low level of understanding and possession of information necessary to improve and maintain special and inclusive education with children with disabilities. The most important condition for the successful implementation of inclusive education is the pedagogical model of professional readiness of future teachers to work with children with disabilities, the result of this training is formed the level of readiness to work with children with disabilities.
children with disabilities, limited health opportunities, pedagogical model, professional readiness, students, teachers, professional activity, pedagogical conditions, components of training, education, training and education

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