Yakushkina Marina Sergeevna
Доктор педагогических наук, Head of the Laboratory of the CIS Educational Space Formation theory, ?, vosp_spbgu@mail.ru, St. Petersburg

Modernization of the Sistem of Teachers Advanced Training in the Regional Space for Continuing Education of Adults

The main scientific problem of the continuing education system that needs requiring a solution identified (and justified). This is the mismatch between the complication of living conditions, the expansion of the teacher’s functionality, the requirement of inclusion in continuing education and archaic forms of its implementation that do not take into account the living conditions of a modern adult, differentiation of the teacher community by interests, needs and level of training. The purpose of the article is to disclose and justify the scientific idea of creating a new model of a regional system of advanced training for educators in the Russian Federation. Methodology and research methods. Methodological approaches to the study – cultural, axiological, event. A set of complementary methods was used: theoretical (content analysis of philosophical, cultural, sociological, pedagogical literature on the research topic; analysis of legislative and regulatory acts and documents; comparison; generalization); empirical (a method of included observation of existing educational practices in regional institutes of advanced training; sociocultural analysis of the situation; comparative analysis; questionnaires); mathematical processing of pilot monitoring data. Research results. The regional system of continuing education of educators as part of the continuing education of adults as part of the regional educational space presented. The principles of the development of regional systems for improving the qualifications of educators formulated. This is the ultimate individualization, continuity, openness, priority of the interests of the individual, networking, age diversity, andragogy, co-existence, (self) organization. The resources for the development of regional training systems for educators identified. The basic structural components of the new model proposed: the territorial consulting service (regional consulting network); mentoring service working on the principle of “one window”; Directorate of educational programs, which oversees their design and testing. We substantiated that fully voice programs are not effective. The modular model of the educational program for advanced training of teachers is promising. Сonclusion. We propose to use the model developed during the study when modernizing regional systems for improving the qualifications of educators. Potential targets of the model may be methodological services and institutes for advanced training and retraining of education workers of the Russian Federation at the regional (and municipal) level.
the system of advanced training of teachers in the region, continuing education for adults, professional education, consulting, mentoring, non-formal education, educational space

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