Vakhitov Damir Ravilevich
Кандидат экономических наук, Dr. Sci. (Econom.), Prof., Head of the Economics Department, Kazan Branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Professor of the Kazan Cooperative Institute, vahitov1972@gmail.com, Kazan
Grinevetskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Novosibirsk State Medical University Ministry of Health of Russia, tanita973@list.ru, Novosibirsk
Minnegalieva Venus Davidovna
Кандидат экономических наук, Cand. Sci. (Econom.), Assoc. Prof., Kazan Cooperative Institute, avlyakulova_kki@mail.ru, Kazan
Yakhina Luisa Tagirovna
Кандидат экономических наук, Cand. Sci. (Econom.), Assoc. Prof., Kazan Cooperative Institute, yahina_kki@mail.ru, Kazan

On the Issue of Publications in Periodical Scientific Publications

The article is devoted to scientific publication activity as an integral part of the work of a teacher of a higher educational institution. In the course of analyzing the works of modern scientists (Adolf V. A., Agavelyan R. O., Romm T. A., Vakhitov D. R., Grinevetskaya T. N., Chesnokova G. S., Pototskaya O. Yu., Levov A. E., Mamchur V. I. etc.), the authors have identified categories of modern journals included in international systems (SCOPUS, Web of Science), in the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals of the VAC, the RINC and others. The article analyzes in more detail the situation with periodicals included In the list of higher education institutions as the most popular in terms of effective contract of a University teacher. The analysis revealed a number of problems that authors have to face when preparing articles for publication: the difference in the requirements for the design of articles, the results of checking for plagiarism, the paid nature of publications, the constant change in the List of VAC journals etc. The considered main problem situations with the functioning of VAC journals demonstrate an imbalance between the requirements of the state for the directions of scientific development and the realities of the market economy, in which both periodicals and the teaching staff of higher education institutions are located. In conclusion, the authors conclude that the reform of the publication activity of the University teacher is based on “Western patterns”. However, transferring the best foreign experience to the Russian “soil”, it is necessary to take into account the level of social and economic development of our country. Some points are simply impossible to copy completely, and in some cases, according to the authors, it is not necessary.
publications, journal, scientific publications, SCOPUS, Web of Science, VAC, RINC, E-library, Hirsch index, impact factor

1. Adolf, V. A., Agavelyan, R. O., Anufrieva, D. Yu., Bolshunova, N. Ya., Deich, B. A., Kiseleva, E. V., Koynova-Tselner, Yu. V., Kohan, N. V., Lavrentieva, Z. I., Nain, A. Ya., Romm, T. A., Sablina, T. V., Semenova, T. V., Skrypnikova, E. M., Stepanov, P. V., Stepanova, I. Yu., Khromova, I. V., Tsyrlina-spady, T. V., Chesnokova, G. S., 2015. On the question of development scientific terminology in pedagogy: round table. Siberian pedagogical journal, no. 2, pp. 196–208. (In Russ.)
2. Belenitskaya, O., 2018. Problems of Vladimir Arnold: In the world of science, no. 4, pp. 26–31. (In Russ.)
3. Vakhitov, D. R., 2016. Problems and trends in the development of Russian education at the present stage. Moscow: RUSCIENCE Publ., 116 p. (In Russ.)
4. Vakhitov, D. R., 2018. Reforming the education system in the Russian Federation: consequences for the economy and society. Moscow: RUSCIENCE Publ., 152 p. (In Russ)
5. Vakhitov, D. R., Zakirov, R. Yu., 2018. The impact of digitalization of the economy on the strategy of the development of humanitarian universities. Vestnik TISBI, no. 3, pp. 29–43. (In Russ.)
6. Vakhitov, D. R., Kondratieva, T. N., 2015. Teaching staff of universities in the context of reforming the Russian system of higher education. Bulletin of the Buryat State University: Pedagogical, no. 1 (1), pp. 43–47. (In Russ.)
7. How do I increase my h-index? [online]. Available at: http://humber.ru/kak-povysit-indeks-xirsha-metody-vzaimnogo-piara/ (accessed: 31.03.2020). (In Russ.)
8. Safonova, I. How to increase the Hirsch? Institute of petroleum Geology and Geophysics. A. A. Trofimuka of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ingg SB RAS) [online]. Available at: http://ipgg.sbras.ru/ru/news/kak-podnyat-khirsh-02042018 (accessed: 31.03.2020).
(In Russ.)
9. Scientific review: theory and practice [online]. Available at: http://sced.ru/ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=51:2011-0... (accessed: 31.03.2020).
10. Neretin, Yu. Great bibliometric Jihad [online]. Available at: http: //socialcompas.com/2014/07/21/velikij-bibliometricheskij-dzhihad/ (accessed: 31.03.2020). (In Russ.)