Tarabakina Lyudmila Vladimirovna
Доктор психологических наук, Prof., Department of Social Pedagogy and Psychology, Moscow Pedagogical State University, tarabakina@mail.ru, Moscow
Zvonova Elena Vladimirovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof., Moscow Pedagogical State University, zevreturn@yandex.ru, Moscow
Madunts Naira Arsenovna
Bachelor, Specialist in Working with young people, Moscow Pedagogical State University, maduntsnaira@mail.ru, Moscow

The leaving of Young People from Confessional Communities as Separation from Family Upbringing

Introduction. The authors of the article consider separation from family ubringing as one of the reasons for the leaving of modern Russian youth from confessional communities. The problematics of the article are determined by the secularization issues that are observed in many European countries and attract the attention of numerous researchers. The purpose of the article is to identify the causes of young people’s rejection of religion, to consider the psychological mechanisms that determine decision making. Methodology and research methods. The authors consider religiosity in the concept of social and age formation of personality. The family acts as a reference group and exerts a great influence on the child’s entry into religious practice, which is determined and supported by age-related laws of self-awareness in the framework of personally significant relationships with family members and the immediate circle. The process of growing up is accompanied on the one hand by the desire for independence and separation from family upbringing, the formation of a scientific world picture in the learning process, on the other hand, socio-political conditions can influence the formation of social identity. In such a situation, entering or leaving a religious community can be declarative and self-affirming. The authors of the article used empirical, subjective-judgmental methods of researches – questionnaires and depth interviews. In the course of the survey, it was possible to identify the target group. An depth interview allowed a detailed analysis of the opinions, views and positions of study participants. The results of the research. This article analyzes researches conducted in different countries, which showed that the leaving of young people from religious communities is a process that accompanies the general trend of secularization, characterized by a decrease in the role of religion in society. The concept of the stadiality of the formation of religiosity in the inner world of a person defines youth as a special stage, characterized by an active search for an independent life path. Conclusion. The data obtained allow us to consider the processes of changing the impact of family upbringing and show that the process of rejection of religiosity and the stopping of religious practices has a complex socio-psychological nature.
upbringing, family upbringing, family influence, religiosity, social identity, separation

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