Petrov Yuri Ivanovich
Кандидат технических наук, Cand. Sci (Technic), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling, Irkutsk State Agrarian University, y_i_petrov@hotmail.com, Irkutsk

The Choice of Language for Teaching Students Programming in the it Field at an Ag- ricultural University

The article considers the problems of mastering the initial programming language for training in the Irkutsk GAU bachelor ‘s degrees in the direction Applied informatics programming. The purpose of the article is to identify and define requirements for the initial programming language, based on the identified requirements, to analyze popular programming languages and to propose a language and methodology for initial programming training. Methodology and methods of research. The study was based on a competent model of bachelor ‘s training in programming. According to FGOS BO (3) 09.03.03 Applied informatics, at the graduate who mastered the program of a bachelor degree the all-professional and professional competences allowing it to perform labor functions according to the professional standard corresponding to professional activity of the graduate have to be created. Results of a research. On the basis of the analysis of scientific literature on the problem, the requirements for the initial language of instruction in programming have been defined and formulated. Based on the requirements for the primary language, an analysis of the demand for programming languages was carried out and the most demanded languages were identified. Of the selected languages, Pascal versions .NET and Python were found to be the most appropriate for the initial programming language. The technology of using two languages for initial programming training is presented. Pascal is used as the first language, and Python is used as the second language.
programming language; programming training; initial programming language; programming paradigm

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