Grigorenko Anna Mikhailovna
Postgraduate Student, Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Humanitari-an Education, Novosibirsk State Technical University, a.m.grigorenko@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk

Attitude of Teachers to the Problem of Teaching Written Scientific Communication in a Foreign Language at a University

The article is devoted to the analysis of the attitude of teachers to the problem of teaching written scientific communication in a foreign language at a university. The purpose of the article is to analyze the concept of “academic competence”, to identify the expectations and views of teachers of a foreign language on the process of forming academic writing skills in a foreign language while studying at a university, to search and justify the prospects for organizing and introducing teaching materials on academic writing in a foreign language in teaching practice of foreign language at a university. Methodology. The theoretical foundations of the study were the concepts of the formation of pedagogical conditions for teaching academic writing in English at a university (E. N. Merkulova), approaches to defining the concept of academic competence (T. N. Astafurova, G. N. Karopa, A. B. Bguashev). The study was conducted on the basis of a survey of teachers of the department of foreign languages of the humanities faculty of Novosibirsk State Technical University. The collection and analysis of the obtained data makes it possible to study the views of teachers of a foreign language on the prospect of introducing new material aimed at teaching academic writing in a foreign language, as well as identifying pedagogical conditions for teaching academic writing in a foreign language at a university. The article presents the results of a survey of teachers in order to identify their attitude towards teaching academic writing in a foreign language at a university, and also analyzes and substantiates the prospect of introducing a course in foreign language academic writing. In conclusion, it is concluded that teaching a genre such as an argumentative academic essay is a significant step in the formation of the basic skills of academic writing in a foreign language. The main requirements for the teacher of foreign language academic writing were identified, as well as the need to introduce teaching of academic writing in a foreign language in the learning process.
teaching a foreign language, foreign language academic writing, academic communication, academic competence, academic essay

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