Tomtosova Elena Afanasevna
Postgraduate student, Federal State Budgetary Institution “Institute of Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education”, e_tomtosova@mail.ru, Yakutsk
Yakushkina Marina Sergeevna
Доктор педагогических наук, Head of the Laboratory of the CIS Educational Space Formation theory, ?, vosp_spbgu@mail.ru, St. Petersburg

Creating an Upbringing Space by Nomadic Preschool Educational Organization

Introduction. The problem of the research is the discrepancy between approaches to the use of socio-cultural resources of the modern sparsely populated Arctic region for preschooler’s upbringing with the possibilities of the upbringing space created at the initiative of a nomadic preschool educational organization. Nomads represent a special civilization. Children of nomads are physically developed: they have keen eyesight, good sense of smell and hearing, agility and quick reaction, etc. However, no attention is paid to the traditional indicators of the development, upbringing and socialization of a child, for example, the development of oral speech: the word is not the main means of solving life problems. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the possibility and prospects of creating an upbringing space on the initiative of a preschool educational organization in an Arctic nomadic environment. Methodology and methods of the research. The research is based on the activity-based, anthropological and event-driven approaches. Research methods: study of pedagogical literature and the legislative base of changes in the education system of the Russian Federation, pedagogical observation of children, interviewing nomadic parents and educators. Analysis of the upbringing traditions of indigenous Arctic peoples. A description of some of the practices and results of upbringing a preschool child-northerner in the family, clan community is presented. The sources of the early formation of independence and responsibility for the surrounding area of the indigenous northern peoples are substantiated. Results of the research. A scientific idea has been developed for the creation and implementation in a nomadic region of an algorithm for creating an upbringing space, created at the initiative of a multi-age community of a nomadic preschool educational organization. The algorithm is based on the concept of interaction of special socio-cultural institutions of the Arctic territory. The main directions of activities of communities of different ages for the development of educational space are proposed: creation of conditions for the formation of an ideological level, a respectful attitude to nature as a component of the human environment with living natural objects; realization of the potential of the preserved ethnocultural experience, traditions of leisure and economic management of the nomadic Arctic peoples; mastering the traditions of family life, the role of father, mother, head of the clan. Conclusion. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that in the course of the development and implementation of the algorithm for creating an upbringing space, the characteristics of the personality of a northerner preschooler living in a nomad were systematized; the conditions are determined, the peculiarities of creating an upbringing space on the initiative of a nomadic pre-school educational structure are substantiated; methodological materials have been developed that reveal the features of the reproduction of the proposed algorithm for creating an upbringing space. Prospects for the practical application of the research results. The results can be used in municipalities with similar territorial features for organizing nomadic preschool education and upbringing.
upbringing space, preschoolers, nomadic educational organization, family communities, ethnocultural traditions.

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