378.22 + 37.0
Shalyapin Oleg Vasilyevich
Доктор педагогических наук, Prof., head of the Department of Fine Arts, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, shalyapin.oleg@mail.ru, Novosibirsk
Kucherevskaya Marina Olegovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodical Work of the Institute of Arts, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, keymarina@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Training of undergraduates in modern art and pedagogical education

The article describes the essence of master’s education, actualizes the problems of master’s training of artists and teachers in modern Russia. It is suggested that the lack of qualification of the previous level of specialized education for master’s students violates the specifics of training in higher art education. The purpose of the article is to update the problems of master’s training of specialists who do not have a diploma in art and pedagogical education. Methodology. The study is built on the basis of a contextual approach, which made it possible to identify a problem relevant to the current state of art education related to the master’s training of an artist-teacher. The theoretical method was chosen as the main research method (analysis of regulatory documents and literature on the research problem, analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization and interpretation of data). Research result. The analysis of the state of implementation of the master’s training of the artist-teacher in Russian education made it possible to identify a problem that must be addressed at the legislative level. Artistic and pedagogical education has its own specifics, which must be taken into account when organizing recruitment for a master’s degree in the field of “Art Education”. The lack of thought of innovations has a negative impact on the quality of training of graduates who do not have a previous level of specialized education. Conclusion. In conclusion, the authors argue that applicants with a non-core education experience difficulties in a master’s program in art education, since they do not have a list of competencies required by the master’s training of an artist-teacher.
higher education, bachelor’s degree, higher professional education, master’s degree, art education, research and independent work of students.

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