Krivolapchuk Igor Allerovich
Доктор биологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Biolog), Head of Laboratory of Physiology of Muscular Activity and Physical Training, Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Institute for Developmental Physiology, i.krivolapchuk@mail.ru, Moscow
Gerasimova Anstasia Allerovna
Кандидат медицинских наук, Cand. Sci. (Medic.), Senior Researcher, Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Institute for Developmental, ,, Moscow
Chernova Maria Borisovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Senior Researcher, Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Institute for Developmental, mashacernova@mail.ru, Moscow

Functional Development of Children 6–7 years old with Different Levels of Informatization of Living Conditions

Currently, world science is actively conducting research aimed at analyzing the influence of the modern digital environment on motor fitness, physical development and functional capabilities of preschoolers. Despite the available data, the problem under consideration remains poorly understood, especially in relation to preschool children. The aim of the study is to identify the features of the functional development of children 6–7 years old, taking into account the level of informatization of living conditions. Research methodology. The study involved practically healthy children 6–7 years old. To assess the information load of children when using digital technologies, a modified index of informatization of living conditions was used. The set of physical fitness tests included control exercises to assess speed, speed-strength, coordination motor abilities, flexibility, general and strength endurance. According to the well-known formulas, a double product, Kerdo’s vegetative index, Myznikov’s index, an indicator of the body’s adaptive potential and body mass index were determined. Results. The data obtained indicate that boys, on average, are characterized by a higher indicator of informatization of living conditions in comparison with girls. The differences were revealed, determined by the degree of informatization of living conditions, in terms of general and strength endurance, speed, speed-strength and coordination abilities, physical development, as well as the functional capabilities of the organism. The results of the study give grounds to believe that an adequate mode of physical education, ensuring the satisfaction of the biological needs of children for physical activity, may be the most important factor in increasing their motor fitness, preventing adverse changes in functional development with the active use of digital technologies in everyday life. Conclusions. Analysis of the influence of digital technologies on the functional development of children aged 6–7 years has shown that the features of motor fitness, functional capabilities of the body and physical development of boys and girls aged 6-7 years depend on the level of informatization of living conditions. It turned out that with an increase in the time of using digital technologies in the daily routine, there is a decrease in the considered indicators of the morphological and functional development of children.
digital technologies, modified index of informatization, motor abilities, functional capabilities, physical development.

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