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Zhukova Natalia Aleksandrovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedagog.), Senior Lecturer, Altai State Pedagogical University,, Barnaul

Formation of Methodical Competence of Students at Seminars on the Methodology of Teaching a Foreign Language

Introduction. The article updates the methodical training of future foreign language teachers as part of their professional training. The content of methodical training of students is revealed through the concept of methodical competence. The purpose of the article is to clarify the definition of the methodical competence of a foreign language teacher, to present its structure, to reveal the features of its formation at seminars on the methodology of teaching a foreign language. Methodology and research methods. The methodological foundations of the research are the ideas of communicative and socio-cultural approaches to teaching foreign languages, competence-based, contextual, and personal-activity approaches. Results. The following components of methodical competence are highlighted: the personal component; the cognitive and informational component; the operational and technological component; the activity component. This article reveals the possibilities of seminars for the formation of methodical competence of students. The author gives detailed recommendations based on her textbook on the methodology of teaching foreign languages to teachers on the successful formation the components of this competence. Conclusion. The effectiveness of the formation of methodical competence of future teachers of a foreign language largely depends on the correct organization of seminars on the methodology of teaching a foreign language.
a foreign language teacher, professional competence, methodical competence, structure of methodical competence, seminars, methodical tasks.

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