Batina Elena Vladimirovna
Postgraduate student of the department of life safety, South Ural State University, batina.ev@mail.ru, Chelyabinsk

Developing Student’s Readiness for Choice: Overview

A modern student faces a situation of many alternatives for choice in the field of education. It can be the choice of new technologies, new educational environments, new ways of communication with participants in educational relations. Development of students’ readiness for a conscious, independent and responsible choice of educational activities and the construction of an individual trajectory of education are among the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Choice is considered in detail in philosophy and psychology and, to a lesser extent, in the field of pedagogy, few scientific works are devoted to the problem of developing students’ readiness for educational choice. The article examines the choice in two aspects: as a process and as an internal human activity. The main features of choice are revealed, the concept of readiness to choose as an integrative characteristic of a person is analyzed. The article provides an overview of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of psychology and pedagogy on the problem of the developing students’ readiness to choose educational activities in cooperation with parents, teachers and other students. The purpose of the article is to analyze and generalize the main psychological and pedagogical approaches to the definition of the concepts of choice, readiness to choose, and to identify the essential features of choice in the course of theoretical research. The author considers the features of the process of the development of students to choose educational activities in the theory and practice of education. Methodology. In the course of a theoretical review of the problem, we used the methods of theoretical analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization. A conclusion is drawn about the current approaches and methods used to develop students’ readiness to choose educational activities in the theory and practice of education. The results of the theoretical analysis of the phenomena of choice and readiness to choose are useful for further psychological and pedagogical research and the organization of the process of developing students’ readiness for choice.
choice, signs of choice, educational choice, educational activity, willingness to choose, individual educational trajectory, participants in educational relations.

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