Kavun Lyudmila Viktorovna
Кандидат психологических наук, Assoc. Prof. of the Department of psychology and pedagogy, Novosibirsk State Technical University, kavun@corp.nstu.ru, Novosibirsk
Ostapchuk Anastasia
Assistant of the Department of psychology and pedagogy, Novosibirsk state technical University, asyaostapchuk@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

The Degree of Realization of Fundamental Existential Motivations as a Predictor of Procrastination in University Students

The problem is related to the prevalence of procrastination, including among students, on the one hand, and the lack of development of approaches to explaining the psychological mechanisms of procrastination, on the other. The article substantiates the possibility of explaining the phenomenon of procrastination in the context of resilience by referring to the categories of meaningfulness of life and existential fulfillment. The goal is to identify the features of the implementation of fundamental existential motivations by students with different levels of procrastination. Method of research. We used the Lay “General procrastination Scale” in the adaptation of Windecker, Ostanina, the” test of existential motivations “ by Shumsky, Ukolova, Osin, and Lupandina; methods of mathematical statistics (Mann-Whitney and Spearman criteria). Sample: 45 procrastinator students, 51 non-procrastinators, and 117 students with an average level of procrastination. Results. Significant differences between all groups were revealed, and there were significant correlations between the level of procrastination and the severity of existential motivations. Conclusion. It was revealed that the degree of existential fulfillment of procrastinator students differs from the other two groups. They have less money: 1) the desire to “be-in-the-world”; 2) the value attitude to life; 3) the desire to be oneself; 4) the desire for meaning. Students with an average level of procrastination, like non-procrastinators, have more realized the ability to freely be in the world and realize meaning, but less than non-procrastinators, the existential motivations “Value of life” and “self-Worth” are realized. It is proved that the theory of fundamental existential motivations can be used to explain procrastination.
procrastination, existential fulfilment, existential fundamental motivations, resilience, existence, life satisfaction, meaning of life

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