Koinova-Zöllner Julia Vasilevna
Доктор философских наук, Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Dr. of Scientific Employee of the Department, Educational Sciences at the Technical University, Julia.Koinova-Zoellner@tu-dresden.de, Dresden

Homework in the Focus of International Pedagogical Research

The article analyses the problem of homework for pupils in international pedagogical research and gives an introduction to standards for student’s homework time in selected countries in the context of preventing physical and mental wellbeing of students. The article also presents a terminological examination of the term “homework”, which will justify the necessity of changing the term “homework” in the favour of students’ working time outside the lesson, which must be carried out by the pupils themselves, taking into account their individual characteristics and needs. The consideration of the effectiveness of learning activities outside the classroom is characterised by the complexity and interdependence of the didactic model of the lesson and the revision of the teacher’s assessment of homework.
international pedagogy, homework, volume and types of homework, students’ working time outside the classroom and school, effectiveness of homework, wellbeing of students

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