Troyan Evgeny Ivanovich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof., Department of Physical training of Employees of Internal Affairs bodies, Tyumen Advanced Training Institute of the MIA of Russia, troyan_evgenii@mail.ru, Tyumen
Golubev Igor Viktorovich
Lecturer, Department of Organization of Public order Protection, Tyumen Advanced Training Institute of the MIA of Russia, 890582216614@mail.ru, Tyumen

Training of Employees Patrulno-Sentry Duty of Police to Protect From Attacks With a Knife Based on the Use of a Circular Method

The professional activity of patrol officers is associated with situations of using self-defense techniques and detaining an offender armed with a knife. The danger of single combat with a criminal armed with a knife is obvious and requires the employee to master the techniques of self-defense, as well as to constantly improve them in physical training classes throughout their professional activities. The purpose of the article is to present the results of a study aimed at finding the possibility and features of using the circular training method for training police patrol officers in techniques of protection from knife attacks. Methodology. The study was conducted on the basis of the Tyumen Institute for advanced training of employees of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia in the period from September 2019 to February 2020. The study involved two study groups of students enrolled in the educational program of professional training. For solving problems of methods were used: analysis and generalization of scientific-methodic literature, modeling of the educational process, testing levels and methods, method of expert evaluations, method of mathematical statistics. Conclusion: As a result of using the method of circular training in classes on the topic “Features of the use of physical force and special means in typical situations of operational and official activities of police patrol officers”, the level of formation of skills of protection from knife attacks in the representatives of the experimental group was higher than in the control group by an average of 24 %, which confirmed the hypothesis of the study. The circular training method can be used to train police patrol officers to protect themselves from knife attacks, but under certain conditions. To perform the techniques, universal pain techniques should be used to influence the wrist. When students pass stations of one circle, the levels of difficulty of performing techniques should be used.
employees of the patrol police, combat fighting techniques, protection against attacks with a knife, circular training method

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