Sklyarova Tatiana Vladimirovna
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof. of the Department of general and social pedagogy, Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University, tsklyarova@mail.ru, Moscow

Additional and Non-Institutional Education of the Russian Orthodox Church in Modern Russia

Problem and purpose. This article analyzes the correspondence of the implemented experiences of educational activities in the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church to the state regulatory documents governing education. The subject of the research is the educational activity of Sunday parish schools of the Russian Orthodox Church, defined as a set of processes of religious education, educational initiatives, organizational and pedagogical conditions, and administrative and managerial decisions. The problem of the study is due to the revealed contradiction between the mass activity of Sunday parochial schools in modern Russia and the absence in most of them of a license to conduct educational activities. The purpose of the article is to determine the conditions for conducting educational activities, to characterize the types, forms and methods of its implementation, to describe administrative and managerial decisions regarding the existing Sunday parish schools of the Russian Orthodox Church and to correlate them with the existing norms of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. Methodology. The study was carried out on the basis of an analysis of the documents regulating the educational activities of the Russian Orthodox Church and their compliance with the federal legislation of the Russian Federation in relation to the organization and conduct of educational activities. Correlation of the existing experience in the implementation of educational activities of the Russian Orthodox Church with the definitions of formal, non-formal, informal and additional education necessitated the introduction of the concept of “extra-institutional education”. The non-institutional education of the Russian Orthodox Church is characterized as an existing phenomenon, its signs are given. In conclusion, it is concluded that the implementation of extra-institutional forms of education indicates a non-professional approach to the organization of educational activities in the parish institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church.
educational activities of the Russian Orthodox Church, Sunday parish school, non-formal education, informal education, additional education, non-institutional education, licensing of educational activities

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