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Shilo Nadezhda Grigoryevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof., Department of Theory and Methodology of Educational Systems, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University,, Novosibirsk

System-Methodological Orientation of Teacher’s Activities in the Learning Process

This article shows the actualization and necessity of introducing a system-methodological (constructive) orientation of the teacher’s activity in the learning process. This activity ensures the structural integrity and functional organization of three types of teacher activity: general scientific, proper subject and educational-didactic. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the system-methodological orientation of the teacher’s activity from the position of technological foundations means and methods that determine the existence and implementation of the activity.Methodology. The methodological foundations of the research are presented in two directions: analytical-reflexive and design-constructive. In the first direction, the ideas of fundamental theories of cognition and logic, thinking and reflection were used. In the second case-the initial provisions of the constructive and system-structural methodology for the implementation of research activities and. methods and means of system strategy of thinking and practical activity were used. Results of the study. Based on the system-structural view of the activity, the main “structural unit” of the existence of the activity is identified and justified – a system of means by which the activity is carried out. The content and structure of the system of special system-structural means, which are the system-forming, generating factor of the system-methodological activity of the teacher in the learning process, are presented. Finally, conclusions are drawn about the features of the system-methodological orientation of the teacher’s activity in the learning process. The formation and further implementation of this activity will improve the quality of the teacher’s work in the learning process, optimizing the learning process, as well as increasing the level of training and education.
system-methodological activity, structural hierarchy of teacher’s activities, system-structural means, constructive connections, functional organization

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