Malyshev Vladimir Sergeevich
Postgraduate student, Saint Tikhon's Orthodox humanitarian university, malyshev.v@pstgu.ru, Moscow

Functional-predictive Model Environments of Students in Graduate School as a Means of Scientific and Scientific-pedagogical Training of Highly Qualified Personnel

Introduction to the problem. The relevance of the analysis of the environment of a graduate student from the position of searching for a pedagogical means of managing his formation as a highly qualified specialist is due to the multidimensional goals and objectives of postgraduate training, which are based on the conditions of real life. The purpose of the article is to identify and justify the functional and predictive model of the environment of students in graduate school as a means of scientific and scientific-pedagogical training of highly qualified personnel. The methodology of the study. Theoretical bases of the description of a model of students in graduate school made presentation on environmental design, as part of a technology of the environmental approach in education, as well as theoretical and practical experience of understanding the way of life as a condition of personality during the educational process. An important role was played by the results of the study of the use of information and communication technologies as a system-forming factor in the training of highly qualified personnel in graduate school, conducted by the author since 2017. Results and conclusion. The environment of students in graduate school is presented as an integral tool that includes the parameters of the possibility, probability and reliability of achieving an educational goal in the environment and with the help of the environment. These parameters are revealed in the course of a sequential solution of nine tasks to describe the environment of students in graduate school, based on the rules of combining parts of the environmental approach in order to realize the educational potential inherent in it. The way of life of a graduate student is considered as a condition for becoming a highly qualified specialist with scientific and scientific-pedagogical training as a result of the interaction of the student with the environment.
environment of students in graduate school; environmental approach; means of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel; lifestyle of a graduate student

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